What Do You See?

Stephen Candelmo
2 min readMar 28, 2021
Photo by Raimond Klavins on Unsplash

What do you see? It is essential to understand how our mind’s perspective controls everything about our life. What thoughts we have. What words we utter. What actions we take. What stories we are telling ourselves at any given moment. All of that creates our world and the responses and reactions that arise from that creation. We are the maker of our “world” and even with our mind we put labels of whether that world or parts of it is good or bad.

What if I were to tell you that there is no good or bad? Such words or labels are mind made as well. They are sourced from judgment which is arises from the sense of self and ego.

What if I were to tell you that life as we know it is just a firing of energy and particles and in that “world” there is no good or bad, there is just “is?” There is everything and nothing at the same time. We are just awareness of that symphony of energy and particles. The maker and observer of it all at the same time, where our “notes” are being chosen by us and those around us. Creating this existence of bliss and suffering all for a desired outcome that we have imagined.

What if I were tell you that there was no outcome at all? We are where we supposed to be right now. That we are all one with each other and everything around us. There is no distant point to work through the challenges karmic or otherwise to arrive at. There is no distant point of enlightenment. We are already enlightened and that the “giggle” is that it has been in from us and within our choice all along. It is like Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz, the magic was with her all along, it was only when she realized that she was her agency of free choice that she could go “home.”

We are the creator or everything. There is no destination and only a path. A knowing path of frequency, energy and vibration that bounces off and absorbs and attracts other similar energy and vibrations that creates an adventure of infinite possibilities. The more we tune our frequency to its purity, the more we can we see the truth. We have been there the whole time. The light is within us because we are the light. It is the ultimate giggle.

So what do you see?

This article is published as part of the Knowing Road, a weekly newsletter for those interested in improving the most important relationship in their lives — the one with themselves. To learn more and subscribe click here.



Stephen Candelmo

Your everyday mind warrior striving to grow along the journey home. Lawyer, Advisor, Investor, Entrepreneur, Writer, Spiritualist, Psychedelic Advocate.